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7479 Level 8 Cookbook  [3] Etc/Etc  1000 
"Right now, there is a wandering chef in Rune Midgard..!! - Emotional epic of extreme cooking."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 8 Foods.

Bearfoot Special:
20 Bear's Footskin
10 Carrot
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
2 Aloe Leaflet
1 Hinalle Leaflet
1 Savory Sauce

Incredibly Spicy Curry:
1 Aloevera
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Meat
10 Hinalle Leaflet
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
10 Carrot

Giant Burito:
20 Fig Leaf
20 Meat
5 Rainbow Carrot
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
1 Savory Sauce
2 Bag of Grain

Royal Family Tea:
4 Prickly Fruit
10 Hinalle Leaflet
3 Yggdrasil Leaf
10 Aloe Leaflet
6 Royal Jelly
1 Yellow Spice

Special Toast:
10 Bread
2 Royal Jelly
5 Meat
10 Strawberry
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Cheese
1 Sweet Sauce

Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball:
10 Strawberry
5 Bag of Grain
10 Fig Leaf
1 Yellow Spice
2 Red Spice
1 Savory Sauce

Weight : 1
Mob Drop  Gemini-S58 (0.06% - atl:0.3%).   Death Word (0.02% - atl:0.1%).  

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