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732 3carat Diamond  [3] Etc/Etc  55000 
Una gema enorme y deslumbrante, que puede ser vendida a un alto precio.

Peso : 10
Mob Drop  Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (77.6% - atl:100%).   Odium of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Despero of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Maero of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Dolor of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Odium of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Despero of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Maero of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Dolor of Thanatos (1% - atl:5%).   Isis (0.2% - atl:1%).   Dragon Egg (0.05% - atl:0.25%).   Wraith Dead (0.05% - atl:0.25%).  

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