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7054 Brigan  [3] Etc/Etc  746 
A rare, red mineral.

Peso : 1
Mob Drop  Chimera (53.35% - atl:100%).   Injustice (53.35% - atl:100%).   Gryphon (53.35% - atl:100%).   Clock Tower Manager (53.35% - atl:100%).   Caterpillar (53.35% - atl:100%).   Dark Illusion (53.35% - atl:100%).   Banshee (53.35% - atl:100%).   Mutant Dragonoid (48.5% - atl:100%).   Bloody Knight (48.5% - atl:100%).   Stalactic Golem (48.5% - atl:100%).   Raydric (48.5% - atl:100%).   Dark Frame (46.56% - atl:100%).   Raydric Archer (46.56% - atl:100%).   Aliza (40% - atl:100%).   Yao Jun (38.8% - atl:100%).   Spring Rabbit (35% - atl:100%).   Panzer Goblin (35% - atl:100%).   Carat (32% - atl:100%).   Ancient Worm (25% - atl:100%).   Greatest General (20% - atl:100%).   Goblin Leader (15% - atl:75%).   Odium of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Despero of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Maero of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Dolor of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Odium of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Despero of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Maero of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Dolor of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).   Skogul (10% - atl:50%).   Frus (10% - atl:50%).   Heater (6% - atl:30%).   Pest (2% - atl:10%).  

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