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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
616 Old Card Album  [2] Usable/Usable  10000 
An antique album in which the power of a mysterious Card item is contained.

Peso : 5
Script  getrandgroupitem 616,1;
Mob Drop  Gloom Under Night (50% - atl:100%).   Ktullanux (30% - atl:100%).   Mistress (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Treasure Chest (10% - atl:50%).   Amon Ra (4% - atl:20%).   Odium of Thanatos (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Despero of Thanatos (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Maero of Thanatos (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Dolor of Thanatos (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Golden Savage (0.05% - atl:0.25%).   Joker (0.02% - atl:0.1%).   Wanderer (0.01% - atl:0.05%).   Am Mut (0.01% - atl:0.05%).   Elder (0.01% - atl:0.05%).  

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
13895 Starter Pack  [18] Usable Cash Items  20 
Beginning packages for the people. To help determine which items are identified for the first fight.

Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.

Weight: 1
Script  getitem 7229,2; getitem 569,300; getitem 504,20; getitem 505,20; getitem 7060,30; getitem 2403,1; getitem 5039,1; getitem 2503,1; getitem 2307,1; getitem 616,1; getitem 603,1; getitem 617,1; getitem 610,5; getitem 604,5;

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