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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
5128 Goibne's Helm  [5] Proteccion/Armor  30000 
One of the few armors that were forged by Goibne the blacksmith.
It is said that the gods valued his armors more than the weapons he had forged.
VIT + 3, MDEF + 3
[+ Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Greaves, Goibne's Spaulders]
VIT + 5, Maximum HP + 15%, Maximum SP + 5%, DEF + 5, MDEF + 15
Receive 10% less damage from Water, Wind, Earth and Fire Property attacks.
Class : Headgear
Defense : 5
Equipped on : Upper
Weight : 50
Required Level : 54
Applicable Job : Every Job Except Novice
Defensa  10 
Script  bonus bVit,3; bonus bMdef,3;
Mob Drop  Dolor of Thanatos (10% - atl:50%).  

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