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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
5116 Banana Hat  [5] Proteccion/Armor  20 
A hat made in the image of a banana peel, the key ingredient for the most basic practical joke since immemorial times.
Just looking at it causes a primal reaction of pure rage.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 3 Provoke on the enemy when attacking.
Class : Headgear
Defense : 1
Equipped on : Upper
Weight : 20
Applicable Job : Every Job
Script  bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_PROVOKE,3,30;
Mob Drop  Lady Tanee (10% - atl:50%).   Wootan Shooter (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Wootan Fighter (0.05% - atl:0.25%).  

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