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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
20022 Feliz Año Nuevo  [5] Proteccion/Armor  20 
n/a Este sombrero es un item de evento de Año Nuevo de Atlantis RO 2009
+1 a Todos los Stat
2% de probabilidad de ganar +30 atk y +30 Matk durante 1 minuto cuando haces daño
Fisico o Magico
Class : Headgear
Defense : 3
Equipped on : Upper
Weight : 30
Applicable Job : Every Job
Script  bonus bAllStats,1; autobonus{ specialeffect2 508; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,30; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,30;},20,BF_WEAPON+BF_MAGIC;

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
4232 Hermit Plant Card  [6] Carta/Card  20 
Add a chance of gaining 'Red Herb', 'Yellow Herb' or 'White Herb' each time a Plant monster is killed.
Herb items restore 50% more HP.
Class : Card
Compound on : Accessory
Weight : 1
Script  bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Herb,50; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Herb,50; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Herb,50; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,507,RC_Plant,300; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,508,RC_Plant,200; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,509,RC_Plant,100;
Mob Drop  Hermit Plant (0.01% - atl:0.05%).  

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
508 Yellow Herb  [0] Comida/Food  40 
Valiosa hierba medicinal la cual cura heridas eficazmente.
Restaura un poco de HP.

Peso : 5
Script  itemheal rand(38,58),0;
Mob Drop  Yellow Plant (55% - atl:100%).   Galapago (35% - atl:100%).   Goat (25% - atl:100%).   Solider (21% - atl:100%).   Lunatic (20% - atl:100%).   Ancient Mummy (20% - atl:100%).   Munak (20% - atl:100%).   Bongun (20% - atl:100%).   Yao Jun (20% - atl:100%).   Novus (20% - atl:100%).   Choco (19% - atl:95%).   The Paper (18% - atl:90%).   Harpy (15% - atl:75%).   Baphomet Jr. (13% - atl:65%).   Chepet (13% - atl:65%).   Assaulter (12.8% - atl:64%).   Bongun (12.5% - atl:62.5%).   High Orc (11% - atl:55%).   Shining Plant (10% - atl:50%).   Joker (10% - atl:50%).   Bongun (10% - atl:50%).   High Orc (9% - atl:45%).   Gajomart (8.7% - atl:43.5%).   Mummy (8.5% - atl:42.5%).   Skeleton General (8% - atl:40%).   Harpy (8% - atl:40%).   Spring Rabbit (8% - atl:40%).   Ancient Mummy (6.5% - atl:32.5%).   Goblin Leader (6.5% - atl:32.5%).   Caterpillar (5% - atl:25%).   Magnolia (4% - atl:20%).   Argos (2.5% - atl:12.5%).   Greatest General (2.5% - atl:12.5%).   Goblin (2.2% - atl:11%).   Goblin (2.2% - atl:11%).   Peco Peco (2% - atl:10%).   Yoyo (2% - atl:10%).   Aster (2% - atl:10%).   Scorpion (2% - atl:10%).   Anacondaq (1.5% - atl:7.5%).   Yoyo (1.3% - atl:6.5%).   Kobold (1% - atl:5%).   Zenorc (1% - atl:5%).   Kobold (1% - atl:5%).   Thief Bug Male (0.9% - atl:4.5%).   Wormtail (0.7% - atl:3.5%).   Peco Peco (0.55% - atl:2.75%).   Firelock Soldier (0.4% - atl:2%).  

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
13525 Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Box  [18] Usable Cash Items  20 
A box containing 1 Zeny Pet Egg Scroll.

Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.

Weight : 1
Script  getitem 14508,1;

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