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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2513 Heavenly Maiden Robe [5] Proteccion/Armor  20 
A faint, transparent robe decorated with a beautiful pattern worn by celestial maidens when they fly through the heavens.
Class : Garment
Defense : 3
Weight : 50
Requiere Nivel : 80
Applicable Job : Every Job Except Novice
Defensa  18 
Script  {
Mob Drop  High Priest Margaretha (90% - atl:100%).   High Wizard Kathryne (25% - atl:100%).   Gloom Under Night (10% - atl:50%).   Bloody Knight (2% - atl:10%).   Treasure Chest (0.4% - atl:2%).  

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