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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2509 Survivor's Manteau  [5] Proteccion/Armor  20000 
A manteau which protects its wearer from the elements.
VIT + 10
[+ slotted Survivor's Rod]
Maximum HP + 300
MATK - 5%, MATK increase by Survivor's Rod refine rate.
Increase resistance from Neutral Property attacks by refine rate * 3.
However, the MATK bonus and neutral resistance increases only to +10.
Class : Garment
Defense : 0
Peso : 55
Required Level : 75
Applicable Job : Mage Class, Soul Linker
Defensa  10 
Script  bonus bMdef,5; bonus bVit,10;
Mob Drop  Ktullanux (50% - atl:100%).  

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