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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2417 Fricco's Shoes  [5] Proteccion/Armor  30000 
A pair of shoes that were blessed by Freyr, the god of earth and the son of Njord.
His blessing would release its owner from pain.
AGI + 2
Increase value of Red, Orange, Yellow and White Potion by 20%.
[+ Odin's Blessing, Falcon Muffler]
Maximum HP and SP + 5%
AGI + 3
Class : Footgear
Defense : 3
Weight : 50
Required Level : 65
Applicable Job : Every Job Except Novice
Defensa  12 
Script  bonus bAgi,2; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Potion,20; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Potion,20; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Orange_Potion,20; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Potion,20;
Mob Drop  Ancient Mimic (0.1% - atl:0.5%).  

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