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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
13947 Brazil Acolyte Package  [18] Usable Cash Items  20 
n/a A gift box contains essential equipment for Acolyte.
Contains "Saint's Robe [1],Buckler [1],Shoes [1],Muffler [1],a Pupa Card,a Sohee card,2 Clips,Biretta [1]".

Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.

Weight : 1
Script  getitem 2326,1; getitem 2104,1; getitem 2404,1; getitem 2504,1; getitem 4003,1; getitem 4100,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 2217,1;

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2404 Shoes [5] Proteccion/Armor  3500 
A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather.
Class : Footgear
Defense : 2
Peso : 40
Applicable Job : Every Job Except Novice
Defensa  10 
Mob Drop  Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Treasure Chest (8% - atl:40%).   Kathryne Keyron (0.2% - atl:1%).   Munak (0.15% - atl:0.75%).   Ancient Mimic (0.05% - atl:0.25%).   Kavach Icarus (0.02% - atl:0.1%).  

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