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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2367 Sniping Suit [5] Proteccion/Armor  20 
Sniping suits helps required muscles to move effectively for shooting an arrow.
Reduces necessary time to shoot arrows and helps to achieve improved accuracy.
Critical Rate + 6, Bonus (LUK/10) Critical Rate depending on your LUK rate.
MDEF + 5, Reduces after-cast skill delay by 23%.
Class : Armor
Defense : 5
Weight : 75
Required Level : 50
Applicable Job : Sniper
Defensa  42 
Script  bonus bMdef,5; bonus bCritical,6+(readparam(bLuk)/10); bonus bDelayrate,-23;
Mob Drop  Bow Master (0.2% - atl:1%).  

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