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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
2318 Lord's Clothes [5] Proteccion/Armor  20 
Formal clothing made in a Renaissance style that evokes thoughts of romance and elegance.
INT + 1, MDEF + 5
Class : Armor
Defense : 8
Peso : 250
Required Level : 70
Applicable Job : Merchant Class
Defensa  59 
Script  bonus bMdef,5; bonus bInt,1;
Mob Drop  Whitesmith Howard (90% - atl:100%).   Treasure Chest (0.1% - atl:0.5%).   Abysmal Knight (0.01% - atl:0.05%).   Howard Alt-Eisen (0.01% - atl:0.05%).  

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