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1973 Sea Witch's Foot [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
A whip made with a foot of the famous western sea witch. It says it steals your life essence, so be careful of the witch.
Whenever the enemy dies, Recovers 5 SP.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Frost Nova on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause Silence to all enemies within 5 x 5 (PBAoE) cells around you.
Class : Whip
Attack : 110
Weight : 150
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 70
Applicable Job : Gypsy
Ataque  110 
Script  bonus bSPGainValue,5; bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_FROSTNOVA,3,50,1; bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDESILENCE,2,100;
Mob Drop  Medusa (0.2% - atl:1%).  

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