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1723 Luna Bow [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
A bow crafted out of moonstone with an attached blade that allows its user to block and counter enemy attacks.
The drawback is that this bow is quite heavy.
[Refine Rate 0~6]
DEF + 2
[Refine Rate 7~8]
DEF + 3
[Refine Rate 9~10]
DEF + 5
[Lunatic Brooch & Luna Bow Equip Set]
Class : Bow
Attack : 100
Weight : 200
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 3
Required Level : 30
Applicable Job : Hunter
Ataque  100 
Script  bonus bDef,2+3*(getrefine()>5)+2*(getrefine()>8);
Mob Drop  Bow Master (0.3% - atl:1.5%).  

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