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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
1613 Mighty Staff  [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
A rare staff that can convert psychic energy into brute strength.
Consumes 2 SP with each Physical attack.
STR + 10, MATK + 15%
Class : Rod
Attack : 130
Peso : 70
Weapon Level : 3
Required Level : 24
Applicable Job : Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker
Ataque  130 
Script  bonus bStr,10; bonus bSPDrainValue,-2;
Mob Drop  Kobold Leader (0.02% - atl:0.1%).   Dokebi (0.01% - atl:0.05%).  

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