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1560 Sage's Diary [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
A book made by the wise sage, who wrote his findings and knowledge in the form of a diary.
MATK + 15%
[Base Strength >= 50]
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
[Base Intelligence >= 70]
Add a MATK + 5%
Class : Book
Attack : 100
Weight : 110
Weapon Level : 3
Required Level : 60
Applicable Job : Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator
Ataque  100 
Script  if(readparam(bStr)>=50) bonus bAspdRate,5; if(readparam(bInt)>=70) bonus bMatkRate,5;
Mob Drop  High Priest Margaretha (35% - atl:100%).  

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