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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
20114 Expack 4860  [2] Usable/Usable   
n/a Ataque   
Script  if((BaseLevel >= 48) && (BaseLevel < 60)) { getexp 14220,0; } else if((BaseLevel <= 47) || (BaseLevel >= 60)) { message +strcharinfo(0)+,Item para niveles 48~60; getitem 20114,1; sc_start SC_STUN,10000,1; }

Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
1422 Hunting Spear [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
A spear designed specifically to hunt. The end tip looks like a leaf. This spear focused on using its weight to bring damage rather than to piercing the enemy.
Ignores DEF of Brute type monsters.
If you kill a Brute type monster, small chance to receive Meat.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Joint Beat on the enemy when attacking.
Class : Spear
Attack : 180
Weight : 420
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 60
Applicable Job : Trans Swordman Class
Ataque  180 
Script  bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Brute; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,RC_Brute,1000; bonus3 bAutoSpell,LK_JOINTBEAT,3,100;
Mob Drop  Fallen Bishop Hibram (5% - atl:25%).  

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