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1377 Hurricane's Fury [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
Hurricane shaped massive two handed axe. The power of hurricane lie hidden in an orb at the center of the axe.
Reduces damage received from Medium-sized monsters by 10%.
Damage reduction from Medium-sized monsters will increase depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
Attack Speed increases depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause damage and a 7 cell knockback effect to all enemies within 15 x 15 (PBAoE) cell around you.
Class : Axe
Attack : 332
Weight : 350
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 80
Applicable Job : Swordman Class, Merchant Class
Ataque  332 
Script  bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,10+getrefine(); bonus bAspdRate,getrefine(); bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_PULSESTRIKE,5,20;
Mob Drop  Gloom Under Night (1% - atl:5%).  

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