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1376 Heart Breaker [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
This special two hand axe was crafted by a great blacksmith and it seems to be capable of destroying any type of armor.
Critical Rate + 20, Attack Speed + 5%
Critical Rate increases depending on the weapon's refinement rate.
[Whitesmith, Creator]
Add a chance of auto casting Level 3 Hammerfall on the enemy when attacking.
Class : Axe
Attack : 175
Weight : 200
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 70
Applicable Job : Trans Swordman Class, Merchant Class
Ataque  175 
Script  bonus bCritical,20+getrefine(); bonus bAspdRate,5; if((Class==Job_Whitesmith)||(Class==Job_Creator)) bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_HAMMERFALL,3,30;
Mob Drop  Treasure Chest (1.5% - atl:7.5%).   Fire Imp (0.1% - atl:0.5%).  

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