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Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
13027 Scalpel [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
Small, light, and with a blade that is very sharp. Specifically designed to cut the skin off the human beings.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause External Bleeding status ailment.
Class : Dagger
Attack : 120
Weight : 50
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 55
Applicable Job : Trans Swordman, Trans Mage Class, Trans Archer Class, Trans Merchant Class, Trans Thief Class
Ataque  120 
Script  bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;
Mob Drop  Treasure Chest (1.5% - atl:7.5%).   Banshee (0.1% - atl:0.5%).  

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