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Resultado de la Busqueda de Transacciones
N Item ID Imagen Nombre del Item Slots Refin. Precio Unitario Vendidos Carta 0 Carta 1 Carta 2 Carta 3 Mapa Fecha Transaccion
1 7150 Piece of Bamboo 73,500 10 ayothaya Jan 16 2021, 14:01
2 7150 Piece of Bamboo 14,700 20 ayothaya Jan 15 2021, 23:28
3 7150 Piece of Bamboo 29,400 10 ayothaya Jan 14 2021, 01:51
4 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,980 10 ayothaya Jan 12 2021, 21:24
5 7150 Piece of Bamboo 29,400 10 ayothaya Jan 12 2021, 19:12
6 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 20 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 11:44
7 7150 Piece of Bamboo 44,100 80 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 11:44
8 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 07:29
9 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 01:17
10 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 00:58
11 7150 Piece of Bamboo 44,100 10 ayothaya Jan 10 2021, 00:03
12 7150 Piece of Bamboo 44,100 10 ayothaya Jan 9 2021, 14:45
13 7150 Piece of Bamboo 24,500 32 ayothaya Jan 8 2021, 15:46
14 7150 Piece of Bamboo 29,400 10 ayothaya Jan 8 2021, 12:24
15 7150 Piece of Bamboo 29,400 10 ayothaya Jan 8 2021, 11:50
16 7150 Piece of Bamboo 24,500 10 ayothaya Jan 7 2021, 21:52
17 7150 Piece of Bamboo 24,500 10 ayothaya Jan 7 2021, 21:18
18 7150 Piece of Bamboo 29,400 10 ayothaya Jan 7 2021, 20:47
19 7150 Piece of Bamboo 24,500 10 ayothaya Jan 7 2021, 19:45
20 7150 Piece of Bamboo 19,600 10 ayothaya Jan 7 2021, 18:51
21 7150 Piece of Bamboo 39,200 10 ayothaya Jan 5 2021, 22:39
22 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 5 2021, 18:11
23 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 5 2021, 13:27
24 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 5 2021, 09:00
25 7150 Piece of Bamboo 43,120 175 ayothaya Jan 3 2021, 17:32
26 7150 Piece of Bamboo 44,100 10 ayothaya Jan 3 2021, 17:12
27 7150 Piece of Bamboo 43,120 10 ayothaya Jan 3 2021, 16:56
28 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 2 2021, 20:10
29 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 2 2021, 16:16
30 7150 Piece of Bamboo 49,000 10 ayothaya Jan 2 2021, 15:52

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