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Resumen Transacciones Item 4236   ( Considerando data de los ultimos 180 dias )
Precio Minimo Precio Maximo Cantidad Total Vendida Desviacion Estandard Precio Promedio
450,000,000 450,000,000 1 0 450,000,000

Mostrar/Ocultar Info Item
Info Item
Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
4236 Amon Ra Card  [6] Carta/Card  20 
All Stats + 1
Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 10 Kyrie Eleison on the user when the user receives Physical Damage.
[Base Intelligence >= 99]
Add a chance of auto casting Level 10 Kyrie Eleison is increased to 10%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Footgear
Weight : 1
		bonus bAllStats,1;
		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,10,(30+70*(readparam(bInt)>=99));

Resultado de la Busqueda de Transacciones
N Item ID Imagen Nombre del Item Slots Refin. Precio Unitario Vendidos Carta 0 Carta 1 Carta 2 Carta 3 Mapa Fecha Transaccion
1 4236 Amon Ra Card 450,000,000 1 prontera Mar 1 2024, 15:54
2 4236 Amon Ra Card 360,000,000 1 prontera Aug 20 2023, 07:37
3 4236 Amon Ra Card 387,000,000 1 prontera May 28 2023, 20:32
4 4236 Amon Ra Card 224,550,000 1 prontera May 28 2023, 01:34
5 4236 Amon Ra Card 450,000,000 1 prontera Apr 26 2023, 10:08
6 4236 Amon Ra Card 405,000,000 1 prontera Apr 19 2023, 21:53
7 4236 Amon Ra Card 252,000,000 1 prontera Nov 19 2021, 02:42
8 4236 Amon Ra Card 499,500,000 1 prontera Sep 5 2021, 17:39
9 4236 Amon Ra Card 252,000,000 1 prontera Aug 8 2021, 21:28
10 4236 Amon Ra Card 540,000,000 1 prontera Jul 4 2021, 21:31
11 4236 Amon Ra Card 495,000,000 1 prontera May 18 2021, 16:43
12 4236 Amon Ra Card 504,700,000 1 prontera Jan 12 2020, 16:56
13 4236 Amon Ra Card 147,000,000 1 prontera Oct 17 2016, 17:32
14 4236 Amon Ra Card 194,039,999 1 alberta Mar 14 2015, 08:32
15 4236 Amon Ra Card 156,799,999 1 prontera Mar 7 2014, 23:22
16 4236 Amon Ra Card 190,000,000 1 prontera Oct 10 2013, 01:10