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Resumen Transacciones Item 16001   ( Considerando data de los ultimos 180 dias )
Precio Minimo Precio Maximo Cantidad Total Vendida Desviacion Estandard Precio Promedio
192,000 480,000 3 119,733 320,000

Mostrar/Ocultar Info Item
Info Item
Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
16001 Red Square Bag [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
The official suitcase of the Alchemist's society. Its unique design and blazing red colour is a hit amongst women.
MaxHP + 200
Increases damage when using skill Acid terror or Demontration by 20%.
[Base Strength >= 90]
A chance to Stun status by 5%.
Every time you kill a monster, low chance to drop random Potion.
Class : Mace
Attack : 130
Weight : 50
Weapon Level : 3
Required Level : 50
Applicable Job : Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class
		bonus bMaxHP,200;
		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_ACIDTERROR,20;
		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_DEMONSTRATION,20;
		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,501,50;
		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,502,20;
		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,503,20;
		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,504,20;
		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,505,10;
		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500;

Resultado de la Busqueda de Transacciones
N Item ID Imagen Nombre del Item Slots Refin. Precio Unitario Vendidos Carta 0 Carta 1 Carta 2 Carta 3 Mapa Fecha Transaccion
1 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 192,000 1 prontera Apr 26 2024, 08:35
2 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 morocc Mar 17 2024, 21:14
3 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 288,000 1 prontera Jan 21 2024, 13:18
4 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,820,000 1 payon Sep 12 2023, 21:48
5 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 960,000 1 prontera Sep 7 2023, 18:54
6 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,350,000 1 payon Aug 30 2023, 22:52
7 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 payon Aug 26 2023, 01:39
8 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 payon Aug 13 2023, 22:10
9 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 payon Jul 25 2023, 20:55
10 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 payon Jul 24 2023, 20:36
11 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 480,000 1 prontera Jun 12 2023, 23:10
12 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 payon Jun 7 2023, 22:36
13 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 prontera Apr 16 2023, 20:37
14 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 288,000 1 prontera Apr 15 2023, 03:50
15 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 +5 480,000 1 prontera Apr 7 2023, 11:39
16 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 payon Mar 28 2023, 18:31
17 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 payon Mar 6 2023, 16:39
18 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 payon Feb 24 2023, 13:05
19 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 1,880,000 1 payon Jan 20 2023, 23:16
20 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 758,400 1 payon Dec 21 2022, 19:02
21 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 816,000 1 payon Dec 19 2022, 21:07
22 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 payon Dec 8 2022, 19:25
23 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,820,000 1 louyang Jun 25 2022, 00:56
24 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 98,000 1 moc_para01 Jun 12 2022, 13:04
25 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 960,000 1 geffen Jun 6 2022, 07:31
26 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 1,880,000 1 prontera May 24 2022, 14:26
27 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,820,000 1 prontera May 9 2022, 19:41
28 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 384,000 1 prontera May 1 2022, 11:22
29 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,820,000 1 prontera Apr 18 2022, 22:21
30 16001 n/a Red Square Bag 2 2,820,000 1 prontera Mar 29 2022, 14:25