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Resumen Transacciones Item 13858   ( Considerando data de los ultimos 180 dias )
Precio Minimo Precio Maximo Cantidad Total Vendida Desviacion Estandard Precio Promedio
49,000 576,000 160 166,847 64,923

Mostrar/Ocultar Info Item
Info Item
Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
13858 Candy 10 Box  [18] Usable Cash Items  20 
A box containing 10 Candy which are marvelous bounces.
1 minute increase ATK + 20, Attack Speed + 25%, and permanent endure.
Decreases 100HP per 10 seconds. Cooldown for 3 minutes.

Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.

Weight : 1
 getitem 14586,10; 

Resultado de la Busqueda de Transacciones
N Item ID Imagen Nombre del Item Slots Refin. Precio Unitario Vendidos Carta 0 Carta 1 Carta 2 Carta 3 Mapa Fecha Transaccion
1 13858 Candy 10 Box 576,000 1 prontera Jun 2 2024, 18:28
2 13858 Candy 10 Box 480,000 1 prontera May 31 2024, 16:37
3 13858 Candy 10 Box 480,000 1 prontera May 31 2024, 06:23
4 13858 Candy 10 Box 297,600 1 payon May 30 2024, 12:05
5 13858 Candy 10 Box 288,000 1 payon May 29 2024, 16:44
6 13858 Candy 10 Box 192,000 1 prontera May 28 2024, 00:27
7 13858 Candy 10 Box 192,000 1 prontera May 19 2024, 21:36
8 13858 Candy 10 Box 336,000 1 payon May 6 2024, 08:38
9 13858 Candy 10 Box 98,000 1 prontera May 2 2024, 06:17
10 13858 Candy 10 Box 98,000 1 prontera Apr 29 2024, 13:40
11 13858 Candy 10 Box 49,000 150 prontera Apr 23 2024, 14:38