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Resumen Transacciones Item 1269   ( Considerando data de los ultimos 180 dias )
Precio Minimo Precio Maximo Cantidad Total Vendida Desviacion Estandard Precio Promedio
49,000 20,240,000 22 4,186,121 1,100,142

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Info Item
Item IDNombre del ItemSlotsTipoVenta a NPCCompra a NPC
1269 Inverse Scale  [4] Arma/Weapon  20 
Katar made of dragon's scale that is very effective in battle.
Every attack you do has a chance of causing all enemies within 5 x 5 cell around you (PBAoE) to receive a random status ailment.
[Refine Rate 9~10]
The affected area of Dragon Fear increases to 11 x 11 around the caster.
Class : Katar
Attack : 140
Weight : 150
Property : Holy
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 55
Applicable Job : Assassin Cross
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_DRAGONFEAR,1,30;

Resultado de la Busqueda de Transacciones
N Item ID Imagen Nombre del Item Slots Refin. Precio Unitario Vendidos Carta 0 Carta 1 Carta 2 Carta 3 Mapa Fecha Transaccion
1 1269 Inverse Scale +5 213,334 1 prontera Sep 20 2024, 23:36
2 1269 Inverse Scale 78,400 1 payon Sep 18 2024, 08:16
3 1269 Inverse Scale 49,000 1 payon Sep 17 2024, 10:13
4 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Sep 15 2024, 05:29
5 1269 Inverse Scale 192,000 1 prontera Sep 11 2024, 11:32
6 1269 Inverse Scale 192,000 1 prontera Aug 25 2024, 23:10
7 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Aug 18 2024, 15:04
8 1269 Inverse Scale 49,000 1 payon Aug 14 2024, 22:03
9 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Aug 11 2024, 18:13
10 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 prontera Aug 8 2024, 14:08
11 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Aug 8 2024, 08:39
12 1269 Inverse Scale +7 1,410,000 1 prontera Jul 5 2024, 01:40
13 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Jun 28 2024, 22:03
14 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 payon Jun 24 2024, 15:27
15 1269 Inverse Scale +9 20,240,000 1 moc_para01 Jun 24 2024, 12:36
16 1269 Inverse Scale 88,200 1 prontera Jun 1 2024, 13:06
17 1269 Inverse Scale 78,400 1 payon May 14 2024, 11:18
18 1269 Inverse Scale 78,400 1 payon May 14 2024, 07:23
19 1269 Inverse Scale 78,400 1 payon May 14 2024, 00:48
20 1269 Inverse Scale 192,000 1 payon May 2 2024, 15:05
21 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 prontera May 1 2024, 22:03
22 1269 Inverse Scale 98,000 1 prontera Apr 1 2024, 19:25
23 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 prontera Mar 27 2024, 00:26
24 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 prontera Mar 24 2024, 21:00
25 1269 Inverse Scale 576,000 1 prontera Mar 11 2024, 16:37
26 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 prontera Feb 4 2024, 22:24
27 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 payon Jan 16 2024, 13:22
28 1269 Inverse Scale +7 480,000 1 prontera Jan 11 2024, 11:45
29 1269 Inverse Scale 480,000 1 prontera Dec 24 2023, 11:53
30 1269 Inverse Scale 192,000 1 prontera Dec 18 2023, 21:27